Attachment server unavailable in all-in-one Specify-7 docker-compose setup on Windows

I thought I would be able to upload an image attachment, but when I tried to browse for a file to upload, I encountered an error.

Below images are for reference…

The error occur during upload…

Inside the asset-server container

Host machine directory for attachment


The docker-compose

The nginx

The docker ps

Have you downloaded and looked at the “Downloadable Error Message”?

The “docker logs” of the asset-server container may also be helpful to locate the issue.

Here is the error message:

Error occurred fetching from http://host.docker.internal:8090/fileupload
Invalid response code 0.

The Logs of asset-server

all response code return 200 (its normal)

the downloaded error code:
Specify 7 Crash Report - 2024-11-05T14_07_01.932Z.txt (444.0 KB)

Can you post your complete Docker compose file?
Have you got it to work without the asset-server volume bind? If you did, then we can isolate the issue to the volume binding and make sure it’s not something else.

I tried in different machine without the use of bind and still same error, not able to upload images.

here is the full just-specify7 docker-compose.
docker-compose-test-environment.txt (3.5 KB)

Hi @drguiritan ,

When you access your web_asset_store.xml, what do you see? Do the URLs shown in the XML output look correct? Could you share the output?

Example: https://[]/web_asset_store.xml

By the way, I’m currently experiencing issues with the asset-server since applying my new domain name and SSL. I’ve opened a ticket here: Asset Server Configuration Issue with Containerized SP-7 Using Domain Name and SSL Certificate - Get Help - Specify Community Forum.

Are you working locally, or is this deployed on a server with a domain name and SSL certificate?

If I use a browser in accessing the server IP address with port 8090 on it below is the message.

the container is run under LAN Server.

Update: I replace the host.docker.internal to host machine ip address in my .env file then restarted the container thats it the specify7 able to upload attachment. see image below:

I dont know why my host machine /etc/hosts right after adding the host.docker.internal next time i open it, the previously added host was disappear.

Great! So it’s working now!? :partying_face:
Yes, the urls of the web_asset_store.xml need to accessible from outside of Docker for it to work. So, host.docker.internal will not work.

Thanks Sir @Heryk. This thread is so helpful.

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