Does not store data in the client specify

good afternoon
I’m from the USP Zoology Museum and I would like to ask for help
On MAC Sonoma and Montrey we are no longer able to keep the database, remote server and key data recorded. Every time we exit the Specify remote access application, all information is lost.
We already installed Amazon Java, removed previous versions of Java and it still didn’t work.
About 2 months ago it worked perfectly

The version of Specify used is 6.6
java version “1.8.0_181”
Java™ SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_181-b13)
Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.181-b13, mixed mode)
I already installed Java Amazon, and it didn’t work either
could you help me?

Hi @lulemos,

How do you launch the application? It sounds like Specify does not have write access to your home directory (e.g. /Users/<your_username>) which is where it stores information about the available databases, hosts, master keys, etc.

I would recommend enabling “Full Disk Access” for Specify so that it can access all the directories that it needs to function properly.

After this is done, please let me know if you are encountering the issue still!

Thank you very much for your feedback!
I enabled Full Disk Access, to Files and Folders and it still doesn’t store the user data entered.
I noticed that this started to happen recently, probably after an update.
I also noticed that in the user directory in Document there is a Specify directory with the collections, but Specify is unable to search for this information to access the collections of the user in question. Would you have any more ideas?


I am unfamiliar with the issue you describe. In order to properly investigate the issue, we would have to consider a screen share session. Unfortunately, that level of service is only available to Specify Collections Consortium Members. If you are interested in becoming a consortium member, please contact me at

However, the first thing I would recommend is to update your version of Specify.
We have updated Specify 6 several times and an update may help. We are currently on version 6.8.03. I would recommend stepping the update up through each version to ensure you get each update properly.

However, there were a few shifts in supporting software along the way, so you may have to update supporting software as well as you update Specify. We updated the MySQL version we used to 5.7 (do not update to MySQL8) and we updated to using Amazon Corretto 8 instead of Java. If you are updating your database engine, we recommend migrating to MariaDB 10.11.

I would also recommend considering using Specify 7 if you are able to update.

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