Errors when updating RSS feed

I have been following these instructions to setup an RSS feed for my department. When I go to update my RSS feed for step 20 I get an error that says


and If I check Docker logs I find

File “/opt/specify7/specifyweb/export/”, line 169, in try_update_feed
update_feed(force=True, notify_user=user)
File “/opt/specify7/specifyweb/export/”, line 37, in update_feed
raise MissingFeedResource()

I have an an RSS export feed named ExportFeed shown below

<title>K-State RSS Feed
<description>RSS feed for Kansas State Universities database
<item collectionId=“7” userId=“1” notifyUserId=“1” definition=“DWCA_VascularPlants” metadata=“DWCA_VascularPlants_MetaData” days=“7” filename=“” publish=“true”>
<title>Kansas State University Vascular Plants

I’m not sure if this is an issue with my export feed or my DWCA resource defenitions.

Hi @isl3,

It looks like you are missing the closing tags for several of the lines in your RSS ExportFeed app resource.


<title>K-State RSS Feed
<description>RSS feed for Kansas State Universities database
<item collectionId=“7” userId=“1” notifyUserId=“1” definition=“DWCA_VascularPlants” metadata=“DWCA_VascularPlants_MetaData” days=“7” filename=“” publish=“true”>
<title>Kansas State University Vascular Plants


  <title>K-State RSS Feed</title>
  <description>RSS feed for Kansas State Universities database</description>
  <item collectionId="7" userId="1" notifyUserId="1" definition="DWCA_VascularPlants" metadata="DWCA_VascularPlants_MetaData" days="7" filename="" publish="true">
    <title>Kansas State University Vascular Plants</title>

All I needed to do was add closing tags where they were missing missing (</description>, </title>, etc.)

If this does not resolve your issue, can you download and attach the contents of the DWCA_VascularPlants_MetaData and DWCA_VascularPlants app resources? If one of those are missing (or the name is not exact), it can result in the same error.

Apologies for the confusion the missing closing tags is caused by formatting from discourse i’ve attached my export feed DWCA_VascularPlants and DWCA_VasculaPlants_MetaData

ExportFeed.xml (450 Bytes)

DWCA_VascularPlants.txt (5.3 KB)

DWCA_VascularPlants_MetaData.txt (1.3 KB)

Hi @isl3,

We can only provide technical support for members of the Specify Collections Consortium (SCC). If your organization is an SCC member or you have additional questions, please email Once we confirm your institution has joined as a member, we can continue resolving your issue.

Apologies for the inconvenience!