Export and Import a Query

Queries are initially available only to the user who created them. To share a query with another user, one must export the query, then the recipient account needs to import it. Here is how.

  1. Go to the Queries :queries_: item in the navigation menu.

  2. In the dialog window, click on the pencil :pencil_: next to the query you would like to export.

  1. Click Export. Specify will now download a json formatted text file that can be imported under another user.

    Example: Localities with Kansas in the name.json (5.3 KB)

  2. In the other user’s account, go to the Queries :queries_: item in the navigation menu.

  3. Click New to create a new query.

  4. Click Import, then select or drag the json file downloaded in Step 3.

  5. Save the query. Done, you have copied a query to another user’s account.

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