I ran into something interesting, in some inconsistent function when using the ‘browse in forms’ button after a query (specifically from a query from a taxon node (only changing ‘current’ status to ‘any’ for the auto-query generated out of the tree view).
Many of our collection objects have multiple dets, so searching on ‘any’ returns records that have the taxon recorded in more than one determination, results in the duplicate results (make sense).
Here is where it gets strange, if immediately after the query, I just select ‘browse in forms’, the resulting query results creates a view/page for EVERY instance of the same record, so if one collection object has multiple results for the same taxon, it is included multiple times in the forms.
BUT if I take the EXACT same query result, and use my mouse to SELECT all records, THEN select ‘browse in forms’ Specify only creates 1 form/view for each record (without replicating them for each det.). https://aafc-aac.specifycloud.org/specify/query/fromtree/taxon/6934/
So with a query which results in 108 instances of the taxon in a determination, if I just go directly to ‘browse in forms’ it shows 108 records to tab through.
BUT, if I select the records, even though ‘all’ the boxes are ticked, then choose ‘browse in forms’ only 57 records are opened (representing each unique collection object that is included in the results, eg. some have multiple dets with the queried taxon).
Personally, I don’t like the first result at all, and find it quite annoying to have to tab-through the same record multiple times, it also creates space for error, as there are sync errors if you try to edit the same collection object through different forms open in the same browse results.
I very much more prefer a single form result (eg. 2nd result) to only ‘view’ each relevant collection object once.