Adding the Determiners table as as a subview (and a one-to-many relationship) into the view form for Determination works fine for working with new records. However, all the information stored in the original one-to-one Determination field is lost (or at least not accessible in the new Determiners table). How can I transfer efficiently to the new Determiners table?
Unfortunately, since they are different tables, the data does not carry over. We are planning on implementing a batch-edit feature, which would allow you to transfer the data from the Determiner to Determiners table for all applicable records. Until then, in order to display the original Determiner data on the form, you may leave both the Determiner query combo box and Determiners subview on the form. If you want to discourage users from entering data in the Determiner field when creating new records, you can also make the field read-only by adding the attribute readonly="true" in the view definition.
You can easily migrate the values from “Determiner” to “Determiners” if you have an IT administrator on site with SQL access to your database. Instructions are below:
Once that is done, you can remove the determiner field from your forms and hide it in the schema. All of the single determiners will be moved to the one-to-many!
Excellent, thank you for the feedback. This solution is perfect for the time being - I will make the Determiner field a read-only for now and wait for the batch-edit feature.