MySQL Preferences

mysql_logo MySQL Preferences

  • For Mac: Choose Specify > Preferences > MySQL.
  • For Windows and Linux: Choose Edit > Preferences > MySQL.


MySQL Preference

The MySQL preference sets the pathway for the Specify backup files. The backup function can also be performed in this preference. Restore functions are performed using the BackupAndRestore tool, which is a separate tool located in the specify application directory within the subdirectory labeled bin.

Users must be part of a manager group or higher to have access to the MySQL preference.

Set MySQL information for the backup and restore function. These paths should only be edited by the MySQL administrator.


  • mysqldump - Points Specify to the needed mysqldump (mysqldump.exe on Windows) file for backup purposes. This path will point to a server when accessing Specify from a server, and be local when Specify is run locally. (Click on the browse button and find the path to the command-line tools for MySQL.)
  • mysql - Points Specify to the needed mysql (mysql.exe on Windows) file for backup purposes.This path will point to a server when accessing Specify from a server, and be local when Specify is run locally. (Click on the browse button and find the path to the command-line tools for MySQL.)
  • Backup Location - Specify will write the backup file in the chosen location. (Click on the browse button and choose a path for backup file(s).)
  • Backup (button) - The entire database will be backed up to the specified location.


The Backup function will back up the entire database; for this reason it requires a high-level permission to use. In other words, if an institution uses one database for all collections in all disciplines, the backup function will backup all collections. This will be a huge file, and the backup function should be implemented by a MySQL administrator.

If collections within the museum maintain their own databases then the backup will be collection-specific.

To Restore from a backup run the BackupAndRestore Specify application found in the Specify Bin directory.

Specify automatically checks for backups every 7 and 30 days. If a backup file is not found Specify gives a prompt to allow or decline a backup.

Note: Specify automatically includes the default MySQL locations for Mac OS X and Linux in the MySQL Preference text boxes, but MySQL locations for Windows are user-specified and therefore will need to be provided.