Specify 7.9.5 Release Announcement


Release Announcement

7.9.5 (20 May 2024)


  • Migrated the Workbench to React to ensure consistency and modernize the codebase in alignment with the rest of the application. (#4637)

    • WorkBench behavior and functionality remain unchanged

    • Aligning the WorkBench with the the rest of the application facilities easier development and maintenance

    • Future features and bug fixes will be more robust and easier to implement

    • These changes lay the foundation for large-scale future features (such as Batch Editing for Specify 7)


  • Live search in the WorkBench now correctly highlights matching cells (#4936)

The full changelog is available on GitHub

For source code go to the GitHub Specify 7 repository

For more information about Specify 7, or about this release, see Specify 7 | Specify Collections Consortium, or email support@specifysoftware.org.