Hi there,
I am trying to edit the collectionobject data entry form for Ichthyology and have been getting some strange errors here.
The names of preparation types in question can be quite long, so I am trying to rearrange the sub viewdef of Preparation table to accommodate:
First I tried to increase the column span for the field in question like below:
<cell type="field" id="7" name="prepType" uitype="combobox" picklist="PrepType" colspan="3"/>
But for some reason I get a 500 error message, whenever I tried to save:
I then tried to increase the width of column 3 (currently now 200 px), this is working, but the elements to the far right are getting pushed out of view if I increase more (which I need to). So I wanted to move these to a separate row instead:
<cell type="label" labelfor="7"/>
<cell type="field" id="7" name="prepType" uitype="combobox" picklist="PrepType"/>
<cell type="label" labelfor="1"/>
<cell type="field" id="1" uitype="plugin" name="this" initialize="name=PartialDateUI;df=preparedDate;tp=preparedDatePrecision" uifieldformatter="Date"/>
<cell type="field" id="isOnLoan" name="isOnLoan" uitype="checkbox" label="IS_ON_LOAN" readonly="true"/>
<cell type="label" labelfor="3"/>
<cell type="field" id="3" name="countAmt" uitype="text"/>
<cell type="label" labelfor="2"/>
<cell type="field" id="2" name="preparedByAgent" uitype="querycbx" initialize="name=Agent"/>
<row> <!-- newly added rows with elements to the far right move here -->
<cell type="label" labelfor="4"/>
<cell type="field" id="4" name="storage" uitype="querycbx" initialize="name=Storage"/>
<cell type="command" id="ShowLoansBtn" name="ShowLoansBtn" label="SHOW_INTERACTIONS" ignore="true"/>
<cell type="subview" id="attachments" viewname="ObjectAttachment" name="preparationAttachments" initialize="align=right;btn=true;icon=PreparationAttachment"/>
The strange thing is that I am then getting the exact same error response.
Looking at the server logs it says the following:
[Tue Feb 27 06:10:54.399608 2024] [wsgi:error] [pid 27767] [remote] File "/home/specify/currentversion/specify7/ve/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/MySQLdb/connections.py", line 276, in query
[Tue Feb 27 06:10:54.399610 2024] [wsgi:error] [pid 27767] [remote] _mysql.connection.query(self, query)
[Tue Feb 27 06:10:54.399613 2024] [wsgi:error] [pid 27767] [remote] django.db.utils.DataError: (1406, "Data too long for column 'NewValue' at row 1")
Why is this happening and how do I achieve my goals now?
This is my complete view file:
fish.views.xml (72.3 KB)
Specify 7 Version: v7.7.5