System Pick Lists
Any field in which data is limited to a controlled vocabulary is called a Pick List. Specify ships with many fields already formatted as pick lists and populated with choices. For example, the Agent Title field is pre-populated with the choices of Asst. Director, Curator, Dr., Mr., Mrs., and Ms.
Pick lists that are predefined within Specify are called System Pick Lists. New pick lists created by the user are referred to as User Defined Pick Lists. The following text explains the steps needed to edit a System Pick List. For information about adding or editing User Defined Pick Lists please refer to User Defined Pick Lists.
Pick Lists are part of the form system and therefore shared within a collection.
Editing System Pick List
System Pick Lists can not be deleted or added within Specify, but can be edited in a limited capacity. Only Pick Lists with definable items can be edited. The name and type of system pick list can not be edited.
Editing is performed in the Pick List Editor.
Choose System > Collection Setup > Configuration then click on Pick List Editor in the side bar menu. The Configuration tool (and menu) is only available to users in a Manager group.
- Choose a Pick List from the System Pick Lists at the top of the dialog.
- Click the
(edit) button at the bottom of the list.
A second dialog will open for configuring the Pick List. The Pick List items are located at the bottom of the dialog.
- Click the
(plus) button to add an item.
- Click the
(delete) button to delete an item.
- Click arrow buttons in the Navigation Controls to navigate through the items.
- Type a Title will appear in the pick list.
- Type a Value is stored in the data base. It is a good practice not to use spaces in the Value and to abbreviate where possible. The Value exists so that at a later date the Title can be edited without needing to change the Value in the data base. Values should not be edited.
- Click the Save button.
Import/Export System Pick List
Updated System Pick Lists can be shared with other collections or colleagues by exporting them from the originating colleciton and importing them into a different collection. This task is completed in the Configuration tool: System > System Setup > Configuration.
Export a Pick List
Click on the
Export Pick List button on the side bar to export a Pick List.
Next, choose a Pick List(s) to export from the dialog list.
Choose Pick Lists to Export
Next, a system dialog will appear to name the file and choose where it will be saved in your file system.
Import a Pick List
Click on the
Import Pick List button to import a Pick List.
Next, choose the Pick List file from your system directory.
The Pick List(s) will be updated in the current collection.
Note: User Defined Pick Lists should not be imported using this method UNLESS the Data Entry forms for the collection have been updated to include the pick list(s). Importing a User Defined Picklist without first editing the forms will cause Specify to work improperly.