Importing and Exporting Pick Lists
The Pick List Importer and Exporter allow the user to import or export a pick list or set of pick lists. The Pick List Importer and Exporter can import or export any pick list in the database EXCEPT Prep Type. The Pick List importer will overwrite pick lists currently in your database if they have the same name as the ones being imported.
To Import a Pick List:
- In Specify, go to System in the menu at the top and select System Setup → Configuration from the drop down menu.
- In the Configuration screen, select Import PickLists from the Side Bar.
- In the navigation window, navigate to the location where the pick list file you would like to import is saved. Select the pick list file to be imported and click Open.
- Once the pick list file has been imported, a window saying how many pick lists were imported will appear. Click OK.
- New pick lists will appear in the User Defined Pick Lists box and updated pick lists will appear as they did before in the list.
To Export a Pick List:
- In Specify, go to System in the menu at the top and select System Setup → Configuration from the drop down menu.
- In the Configuration screen, select Export PickLists from the Side Bar.
- In the Export PickLists window, select the Pick List(s) that you want to export. You can choose more than one to export. Remember that Prep Type can’t can’t be exported this way. The pick list(s) will be saved as a single file, regardless of how many you choose in this process.
- Choose where you would like the file to be saved and click Save.
- Once the pick lists have been exported, a window will pop up saying how many pick lists were exported.
- You can continue to use Specify without restarting.