Hey there,
A few days ago, a weblink field in our database started doing something strange.
The weblink CONewTab OSU is meant to make the link to the CO record linked to a collecting event by constructing the URL with the collectionCode and catalog number of related records using the /bycatalog/ pathway.
It did this flawlessly until a few days ago, when it started combining the URL of the current page with the link. I don’t know how or why this started happening.
Notice as well that when we expanded the grid view, and click on the “link” button on the right, the correct URL appears on mouseover and is linked when clicked.
I believe this is being caused by the link you have in the weblink being treated as a relative link. In your weblink setup, is there a reason not to include the scheme (https://) in the first url part argument? I think this may solve the issue.
@markp You are right on the money. The link needs the https://, any weblink without that in the URL part will have problems!
And the reason it was immediately working for you is that I had manually changed the link to another version that worked (because it had a URL part with this https:// part already). I’ve fixed both though!