Catalog date changes

Hello, I’ve noticed that after cataloging some objects Specify has been changing the date that they were cataloged. For example, I would catalog an object on 8/6/2024 directly into the database, and then the next day I would query for objects that I cataloged on the 6th and nothing will show up. It will say they were cataloged on the 3rd instead. Does anyone know why this is happening?


Hi @fergashi,

Can you share a bit more detail about the query in which you are running that is returning the unexpected results? If you click “Query” in the navigation menu, this should bring up a list of saved queries. There should be a pencil icon beside the saved query that once clicked will present an “Export” option.

Catalog Date.json (2.2 KB)

It seems like the catalog date is not updating with the current date for some reason.

Thank you @markp for asking for the query!

Hi @fergashl,

Could you please provide a link to one of the records where you’re seeing the dates change? Your query looks correct, and it returns the appropriate records that match the database contents.

The “cataloged date” field is set to the current day by default. When you access the data entry form, do you see today’s date in the “cataloged date” field?

When I looked at mine it shows the current date, but one of our volunteers showed me his screen and it was putting in the 3rd instead. He said he always logs out when he is done so isn’t sure why it wouldn’t change to the current day, The 3rd was when he was working on it last.

The default value of today will apply if the record has yet to be saved (i.e. a fresh data entry). However, if your student started working on the record on the 3rd, saved the record, and then comes back another day, the 3rd will remain as it is has been saved to the database for that Collection Object. The field catalogedDate is not the date that the record is last modified, and won’t be written over if the student comes back to the record at a different day after saving.

If you are interested in seeing the date that the record was last modified, there is a field for that , which by default should appear at the bottom of the Collection Object form in a read-only field. Alternatively, you can always enter a new value for catalogedDate through the data entry form; this may be appropriate if you just started filling out a few fields in a CO, save and come back another day, and want the catalogedDate of record to reflect the date that the cataloguing process was completed.