Create a Record Set from a Record Set

This guide requires Specify 7.7 or later!

This tutorial will show you how to make a Record Set from a subset of items in a Record Set.

Step 1: Find the record set you want to make a subset from.

In this case, I am going to export the Record Set named kansas river.

Step 2: Open the Record Sets menu from the navigation bar.

Record Sets Menu

Step 3: Click on the :pencil2: icon to the right of the Record Set name.

Record Set Name

Step 4: Click on Query.

Query Button

Step 5: Select the query that contains all of the fields you wish to export or create a new one by clicking New.

In this case, this collection has a locality kml query to use. I am selecting this option

Query List

Step 6: Run your query by clicking Query.

Step 7: Select the items you wish to include in your new record set.

Step 8: Click on Create Record Set. Give it a name and you are good to go!

Now you have a new record set created from the larger record set.

This method does not appear to work in our collection’s database running Sp7.9.4
Following these instructions produces a recordset larger than the original one, whose contents are the records returned for the second query if run on the whole database, not solely the records within the existing recordset.
Notably, the .csv exported from the subquery is correct. So there is just something wrong with the way the recordset is being produced.

Apologies if this is a known bug. But if not, it should be fixed!


This is the expected behavior at this time. The above instructions specify that you must explicitly select the items to include in the new record set. You can click on one item in the results, scroll to the bottom of the list, and hold Shift while clicking the last item to select all the items in between.

I agree that the ‘Create Record Set’ logic should rely solely on the results returned in the query! I’ve added a GitHub enhancement request:

A post was split to a new topic: Combine Record Sets in Specify 7