This documentation is meant to serve as a basic guide for creating a user account. For more detailed information regarding user permissions, please read this documentation on Security and Accounts.
1. Add a User
User accounts can be created from the Security and Accounts panel. To create a user account, click on the name of the collection you would like to assign it to. Then, click Add User.
2. Set Login Credentials
Create the name the user will use to log in to the account. Then, click Set Password to create a password. Passwords must consist of at least 8 characters.
3. Enable Collection Access
The Collection pick list defines the collection to which user permissions are applied. The Enable Collection Access box must be checked to grant the user access to the collection.
4. Assign an Agent
The Agent field defines the Agent associated with the user account. To assign an existing Agent, type in the field or use the Search button to query for the Agent. To create a new Agent, click the Add button.
5. Assign User Roles
User roles are sets of permissions that can be applied to multiple user accounts. Check the box next to the desired role or click the Edit button to edit the permissions associated with that role.
Only roles defined at the collection level can be applied to a user account. To learn more about User Roles and how to add new ones to your collection, see this documentation.
6. Assign a Specify 6 User Group
The User Group pick list allows you to choose the group from Specify 6 that your user falls into. The permissions for these groups are set in Specify 6’s security center.
Specify 7 only utilizes User Roles and customized permissions instead of the permissions defined for User Groups.
App Resources can be defined at this level and will be applied to all users in the corresponding User Group.
Optional Permissions
If the Institution Admin box is checked, the user will have all permissions within all collections.
Custom Institution-level Policies are permissions applied to all collections to which the user is assigned.
Custom Collection-level Policies
These are permissions that can be applied within the selected collection in addition to or instead of User Roles.
Specify 6 Permissions
Make Admin: Allows you to make the selected user an admin in Specify 6. Once the user has been made an admin, you can click Remove Admin to take this permission away. If a user is designated as an admin, they will automatically receive permissions for all collections.
Set Collections: Allows you to select which collections the user has access to in Specify 6.
Assign a User to Multiple Collections
After saving the new user account, it can now be assigned to more collections. To do this, click on the user account from the institution or collection panel to which they are assigned.
Then, pick the new collection you want to assign them to from the Collection picklist. Be sure to check the Enable Collection Access box to grant the user access.
If the Agent previously assigned to the user account does not exist in the Division that the new collection belongs to, a new Agent will need to be assigned or created.
Lastly, save the user account again and repeat for each collection you would like to assign it to. Note that assigning the user account to a new collection does not remove it from the previous collection.