Modify Create Loan Search Form

Specify 7 Version: v7.9.6.2
Would it be possible to replace/or add additional search fields such as ‘name’ from the collection object table on the Create Loan form? With current approach needs to know the catalog numbers in advance before they create a loan.

I do not do this very often (or at all), but I think you might be after the loan ‘Without Preparations’? This tripped up people here, as in older (maybe ancient) versions this was a separate form.

@NielsKlazenga If I select ‘without preparation,’ it still directs me to the form, which requires adding preparation—bringing me back to the same issue. Adding an unassociated item doesn’t help either, as there is no way to add the sample number, but catalog number. just thinking if there is simpler way to create a loan request by sample numbers, instead of so many clicks/forms.