Edit Preparation Type

Editing the Preparation Type pick list is much different in Specify 7. This brief topic will detail how to create, modify, and delete entries in the Preparation Type table.

Add Items to the PrepType Pick List

Step 1: Navigate to your Specify 7’s installation base URL + /specify/view/preptype/new/.

Example for the demo instance:

Step 2: Create your new preparation type list item.

Step 3: Save and exit! Optionally, you can add multiple new Prep Type items.

Remove Items from the PrepType Pick List

Step 1: Navigate to your Specify 7’s installation base URL + /specify/query/new/preptype/.

Example for the demo instance:

Step 2: Build a query that includes Name and Is Loanable.

Step 3: Query the database.

Step 4: Select the item(s) you wish to modify.


You can optionally select multiple items and click View Records to modify them all one after another.

Step 5: You can delete, change the name, or change if the item is loanable from here! Make your changes and save.