In the coming months we, at the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, will be trying to move the data from the Victorian Conservation Seed Bank from the bespoke database in which it is now into our instance of Specify.
Are there any other collections out there who are interested in having Seed Bank data in Specify and would like to think with us about how best to do this?
I don’t know about seed banks, but they may have something in common with DNA repositories if the seeds are consumable (i.e., by germinating them) samples that are extracted from existing collection objects.
Thanks @Plarson, I will be in the field, getting rained on, next week but I will get back into this when I am back.
Hi Niels,
Might be worth checking with @CorinnaP to see if ANH have any seed bank data migrated into Specify. I know they are using the traits
table to store a bunch of key/value data so that might be another option?
Cheers Nick