Specify Spotlight: Enhancing biodiversity data management [SPNHC-TDWG 2024]

Spotlight Talks

Time Speaker Title DOI Link
0:10 Grant Fitzsimmons Introduction
1:03 Corinna Paeper Enhancing Enterprise Collection Management: A Case Study of CSIRO’s National History Collections doi.org/10.3897/biss.8.137801
19:49 Zoe Warner Administering an Enterprise Collection Management System: Specify in Practice at CSIRO’s National History Collections doi.org/10.3897/biss.8.141251
33:41 Alison Vaughan Using Collections in Specify to Manage Incoming Exchange Data
47:40 Robyn Drinkwater Using Specify 7 as a Collections Management System for the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Herbarium doi.org/10.3897/biss.8.141251
1:01:14 Nina Filippova Using Specify 6, 7, and Web Portal Instruments for the North Siberian Biodiversity Data Platform doi.org/10.3897/biss.8.141029
1:13:02 Theresa Miller Extending Specify 7 for Geoscience Collections doi.org/10.3897/biss.8.141673

SYM29 Specify Spotlight: Enhancing biodiversity data management

Session Type: Symposium; Open to abstract submissions
Conference Track: SPNHC
Organizers: Theresa Miller, Grant Fitzsimmons, Andrew Bentley

The Specify Spotlight session aims to showcase the role of Specify software in enhancing biodiversity data management. This session will provide a platform for users of Specify to share their experiences, demonstrate its usage, and discuss the impact it has on their work.

The session will feature presentations from several users who will highlight their projects involving Specify software for research, data management, and collaborations. The presentations will cover a diverse range of topics, including collection digitization, data integration, and specimen tracking.

In addition to user presentations, a member of the Specify Consortium team will deliver an overview of the latest features, updates, and future developments in Specify 7. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in discussions about best practices, technical support, and potential future collaborations.

The Specify Spotlight session welcomes participation from both in-person and virtual attendees. We encourage researchers, data managers, and biodiversity professionals interested in or users of Specify to attend this session to learn from real-life examples, discover new possibilities, and network with fellow users and experts.

Please join us at the SPNHC-TDWG 2024 conference to explore how Specify software enhances local capacity and contributes to elevating global standards in biodiversity data management.

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@Grant Hmmm weird… there seems to be no audio with this Youtube clip. SYM29 Specify Spotlight: Enhancing biodiversity data management - YouTube

Hi @Heryk,

Can you let me know if you have any trouble with this video?

Thank you!

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This one is ok… Thanks! :slight_smile:

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