I often just export query results when I am after particular data fields exported. I find it a nice/easy way of getting data out. In the past, I have always just used the ‘create csv’ button. A window pops up and says I will be notified when the file is ready, then when I see the notification, I download from there (eg. “query_results_2023-08-02T19_46_15.640114.csv”). I have never had any problems with the formatting or outputs.
Today, I tried selecting a subset of records to export, but when I clicked the ‘create csv’ a download window popped up (like when you download a crash report) and then popped up again (like the crash reports do sometimes). The notice of ‘Export File being created’ did not pop-up. The naming convention for the file was different (used the query name; “Taxon Query with location - Wed Aug 02 2023.csv”), but the file downloaded. I thought it was weird, but didn’t think too much of it, until I looked at the file. For some reason, there was a formatting error, with several fields of data displaced from their columns. This was easy to see in such a small export, but concerning if it had been a larger one. Not sure whether this is user error or not, but seems like there is something ‘strange’ happening there.
Query result display; Great!
Export output when no records are selected: Great!
Export output with some records selected: what the heck?? columns weird, and data displaced!
A workaround is easy, to just export all, and delete the rows/records you don’t want, but seems a bit risky to be able to select some records, and have the data get so distorted.