Virtual Fields

Virtual fields, also known as calculated fields, are unique system fields in Specify that do not exist in the Schema Config and are not a standard part of the data model. They can be added to your data entry forms and can be useful aids for both data entry, data review, and internal reporting.

These fields are calculated in real-time and provide information like the available count of Preparations, the total number of items linked to a Collection Object or Loan, and can even display the current determination. These fields are always read-only, therefore these are useful only as a reference.

Virtual fields that are relationship fields (linking one record to another) can be used to retrieve data from related tables or even be displayed as a read-only subview.

Collection Object

Total Items

This is the sum of the counts for all Preparations associated with a Collection Object.

	<cell type="label" label="Total Items:" initialize="align=right"/>
	<cell type="field" id="tq" name="totalCountAmt" uitype="text" readonly="true"/>

Total Current Items

This is the total count of all Preparations linked to a Collection Object, decreasing the Preparation count whenever the count of a Preparation is reduced due to an associated interaction (e.g. gift, exchange out, disposal, etc.).

	<cell type="label" label="Total Current Items:" initialize="align=right"/>
	<cell type="field" id="ti" name="actualTotalCountAmt" uitype="text" readonly="true"/>

Current Determination


This is a relationship field.

Displays the current determination linked to the Collection Object. You can use this field to retrieve specific data, such as fields from the Determination table, Taxon table, etc, using the dot notation system in the form instead (e.g.
currentDetermination.taxon.fullName to return the exact full name for the current determination).

	<cell type="label" label="Current Determination:" initialize="align=right"/>
	<cell type="field" id="cd" name="currentDetermination" uitype="text" readonly="true"/>


Is On Loan

Indicates whether the Preparation is currently on loan.

	<cell type="label" label="Is On Loan:" initialize="align=right"/>
	<cell type="field" id="iol" name="isOnLoan" uitype="text" readonly="true"/>

Actual Count Amount

The actual count of items related to the Preparation is determined by subtracting from the available count whenever it is used in a Gift, Exchange Out, or Disposal preparation.

	<cell type="label" label="Actual Count Amount:" initialize="align=right"/>
	<cell type="field" id="aca" name="actualCountAmt" uitype="text" readonly="true"/>


Total Preps

Count of all associated loan Preparations records.

  <cell type="label" label="Total Preps:" initialize="align=right"/>
  <cell type="field" id="tps" name="totalPreps" uitype="text" readonly="true"/>

Total Items

Count of all associated Collection Object Preparations records.

  <cell type="label" label="Total Items:" initialize="align=right"/>
  <cell type="field" id="tis" name="totalItems" uitype="text" readonly="true"/>

Unresolved Preps

Count of all loan Preparation records that are not resolved.

  <cell type="label" label="Unresolved Preps:" initialize="align=right"/>
  <cell type="field" id="ups" name="unresolvedPreps" uitype="text" readonly="true"/>

Resolved Preps

Result of
totalPreps -

	<cell type="label" label="Resolved Preps:" initialize="align=right"/>
	<cell type="field" id="rps" name="resolvedPreps" uitype="text" readonly="true"/>

Unresolved Items

Count of all Collection Object Preparation records that are not resolved.

	<cell type="label" label="Unresolved Items:" initialize="align=right"/>
	<cell type="field" id="uq" name="unresolvedItems" uitype="text" readonly="true"/>

Resolved Items

The result of
totalItems -

	<cell type="label" label="Resolved Items:" initialize="align=right"/>
	<cell type="field" id="rq" name="resolvedItems" uitype="text" readonly="true"/>


Actual Total Count

The total count of items associated with an Accession record.

	<cell type="label" label="Actual Total Count:" initialize="align=right"/>
	<cell type="field" id="atca" name="actualTotalCountAmt" uitype="text" readonly="true"/>

Total Count

The total count of all items associated with the Accession.

	<cell type="label" label="Total Count:" initialize="align=right"/>
	<cell type="field" id="tca" name="totalCountAmt" uitype="text" readonly="true"/>

Preparation Count

The total number of Preparations linked to the Accession.

	<cell type="label" label="Preparation Count:" initialize="align=right"/>
	<cell type="field" id="pc" name="preparationCount" uitype="text" readonly="true"/>

Collection Object Count

The total number of Collection Objects linked to the Accession.

	<cell type="label" label="Collection Object Count:" initialize="align=right"/>
	<cell type="field" id="coc" name="collectionObjectCount" uitype="text" readonly="true"/>


Total Preps

Count of all Preparations associated with the Deaccession.

	<cell type="label" label="Total Preps:" initialize="align=right"/>
	<cell type="field" id="dps" name="totalPreps" uitype="text" readonly="true"/>

Total Items

Count of all items associated with the Deaccession.

	<cell type="label" label="Total Items:" initialize="align=right"/>
	<cell type="field" id="dis" name="totalItems" uitype="text" readonly="true"/>


Total Preps

Count of all Preparations associated with the Disposal.

	<cell type="label" label="Total Preps:" initialize="align=right"/>
	<cell type="field" id="dps" name="totalPreps" uitype="text" readonly="true"/>

Total Items

Count of all items associated with the Disposal.

	<cell type="label" label="Total Items:" initialize="align=right"/>
	<cell type="field" id="dis" name="totalItems" uitype="text" readonly="true"/>


Total Preps

Count of all Preparations associated with the Gift.

	<cell type="label" label="Total Preps:" initialize="align=right"/>
	<cell type="field" id="gps" name="totalPreps" uitype="text" readonly="true"/>

Total Items

Count of all items associated with the Gift.

	<cell type="label" label="Total Items:" initialize="align=right"/>
	<cell type="field" id="gis" name="totalItems" uitype="text" readonly="true"/>

Exchange Out

Total Preps

Count of all Preparations associated with the Exchange Out.

	<cell type="label" label="Total Preps:" initialize="align=right"/>
	<cell type="field" id="eps" name="totalPreps" uitype="text" readonly="true"/>

Total Items

Count of all items associated with the Exchange Out.

	<cell type="label" label="Total Items:" initialize="align=right"/>
	<cell type="field" id="eis" name="totalItems" uitype="text" readonly="true"/>


Preferred Taxon of


This is a relationship field.

Display, in a subview or in a field, all of the Determinations which have that this Taxon as preferred.

    <cell type="subview" id="pto" name="preferredTaxonOf" colspan="15"/>

Address of Record



This is a relationship field.

Display, in a subview or in a field, all of the Borrow records associated with that Address of Record.

    <cell type="subview" id="bor" name="borrow" colspan="15"/>
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