On 2022-12-15T06:00:00Z we will be demonstrating and discussing the new Specify 7 Statistics Page!
The new Statistics Page includes all the statistics from the statistics page in Specify 6 as well as custom statistics configured by the database administrators and users. In the webinar, we will be discussing the terminology behind the statistics page and presenting an overview of the new features introduced, including:
- A Collection page includes statistics scoped to the entire collection—for example, the number of collection objects, the number of localities, etc.
- A Personal page includes statistics scoped to the user. For example, the number of collections you cataloged, modified, or referenced.
- The functionality to add hybrid pages including statistics from Collection and Personal page.
- Support for adding custom statistics from existing queries and new queries using the Query Builder
- The ability to add new categories, and new statistics within a category on each page.
- The ability to set the default layout for the statistics page for all the users by the collection manager.
You can join the discussion before the webinar on the Community Forum to discuss use cases and request features! The design process has been influenced by the feedback we received from the community forum post, so please feel free to continue giving feedback there!
Session 1 – 2022-12-15T15:00:00Z
Passcode: 12345
Session 2 – 2022-12-16T00:00:00Z
Passcode: 12345