**Describe the bug**
An exception occurred during data set validation process.
I did not have this happen before with this data set, so it might just be a database issue
**To Reproduce**
1. Upload data set
2. Use mappings that are suggested by the automaker
3. Try to validate the data set
**Expected behavior**
Validation completes
![Screen Shot 2021-11-12 at 9 45 14 AM](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/40512816/141494212-eff4cb86-9064-4922-be8a-3dcdcf18adb9.png)
**Desktop (please complete the following information):**
- OS: macOS
- Browser Google Chrome
- Specify 7 Version: `a11y` branch
**Additional context**
Data set: [test-workbench-data.csv.zip](https://github.com/specify/specify7/files/7528741/test-workbench-data.csv.zip)
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | [2021-11-12 15:40:41,624: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: specifyweb.workbench.tasks.upload[7537d3a1-ef13-455d-a554-20be24a8e4fc]
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | [12/Nov/2021 15:40:43] [ERROR] [specifyweb.celery:30] Celery task failure!!!1
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | Traceback (most recent call last):
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | File "/opt/specify7/ve/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/app/trace.py", line 405, in trace_task
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | R = retval = fun(*args, **kwargs)
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | File "/opt/specify7/ve/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/app/trace.py", line 697, in __protected_call__
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | return self.run(*args, **kwargs)
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | File "/opt/specify7/specifyweb/workbench/tasks.py", line 41, in upload
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | do_upload_dataset(collection, uploading_agent_id, ds, no_commit, allow_partial, progress)
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | File "/opt/specify7/specifyweb/workbench/upload/upload.py", line 113, in do_upload_dataset
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | base_table, upload_plan = get_ds_upload_plan(collection, ds)
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | File "/opt/specify7/specifyweb/workbench/upload/upload.py", line 160, in get_ds_upload_plan
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | return base_table, plan.apply_scoping(collection)
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | File "/opt/specify7/specifyweb/workbench/upload/upload_table.py", line 29, in apply_scoping
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | return apply_scoping(self, collection)
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | File "/opt/specify7/specifyweb/workbench/upload/scoping.py", line 94, in apply_scoping_to_uploadtable
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | toMany={f: [set_order_number(i, r.apply_scoping(collection)) for i, r in enumerate(rs)] for f, rs in ut.toMany.items()},
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | File "/opt/specify7/specifyweb/workbench/upload/scoping.py", line 94, in <dictcomp>
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | toMany={f: [set_order_number(i, r.apply_scoping(collection)) for i, r in enumerate(rs)] for f, rs in ut.toMany.items()},
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | File "/opt/specify7/specifyweb/workbench/upload/scoping.py", line 94, in <listcomp>
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | toMany={f: [set_order_number(i, r.apply_scoping(collection)) for i, r in enumerate(rs)] for f, rs in ut.toMany.items()},
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | File "/opt/specify7/specifyweb/workbench/upload/tomany.py", line 20, in apply_scoping
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | return apply_scoping(self, collection)
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | File "/opt/specify7/specifyweb/workbench/upload/scoping.py", line 143, in apply_scoping_to_tomanyrecord
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | wbcols={f: extend_columnoptions(colopts, collection, table.name, f) for f, colopts in tmr.wbcols.items()},
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | File "/opt/specify7/specifyweb/workbench/upload/scoping.py", line 143, in <dictcomp>
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | wbcols={f: extend_columnoptions(colopts, collection, table.name, f) for f, colopts in tmr.wbcols.items()},
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | File "/opt/specify7/specifyweb/workbench/upload/scoping.py", line 70, in extend_columnoptions
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | picklist = picklistname and getattr(models, 'Picklist').objects.get(name=picklistname, collection=collection)
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | File "/opt/specify7/ve/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/manager.py", line 82, in manager_method
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | File "/opt/specify7/ve/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/query.py", line 412, in get
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | (self.model._meta.object_name, num)
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | specifyweb.specify.models.Picklist.MultipleObjectsReturned: get() returned more than one Picklist -- it returned 2!
specify7-specify7-worker-1 | [2021-11-12 15:40:43,244: ERROR/ForkPoolWorker-1] Task specifyweb.workbench.tasks.upload[7537d3a1-ef13-455d-a554-20be24a8e4fc] raised unexpected: MultipleObjectsReturned('get() returned more than one Picklist -- it returned 2!',)
Upload plan:
"baseTableName": "collectionobject",
"uploadable": {
"uploadTable": {
"wbcols": {},
"static": {},
"toOne": {
"collectingevent": {
"uploadTable": {
"wbcols": {
"startdate": "Start Date Collected",
"enddate": "End Date Collected",
"method": "Collection Method"
"static": {},
"toOne": {
"locality": {
"uploadTable": {
"wbcols": {
"minelevation": "Min Depth (M)",
"maxelevation": "Max Depth (M)",
"latitude1": "Latitude1",
"latitude2": "Latitude2",
"longitude1": "Longitude1",
"longitude2": "Longitude2",
"latlongtype": "Lat Long Type"
"static": {},
"toOne": {
"geography": {
"treeRecord": {
"ranks": {
"Country": {
"treeNodeCols": {
"name": "Country"
"State": {
"treeNodeCols": {
"name": "State/Prov/Pref"
"Continent": {
"treeNodeCols": {
"name": "Continent/Ocean"
"toMany": {}
"toMany": {
"collectors": [
"wbcols": {},
"static": {},
"toOne": {
"agent": {
"uploadTable": {
"wbcols": {
"title": "Collector 1 Title",
"firstname": "Collector 1 First Name",
"middleinitial": "Collector 1 Middle Initial",
"lastname": "Collector 1 Last Name"
"static": {},
"toOne": {},
"toMany": {}
"wbcols": {},
"static": {},
"toOne": {
"agent": {
"uploadTable": {
"wbcols": {
"title": "Collector 2 Title",
"firstname": "Collector 2 First Name",
"middleinitial": "Collector 2 Middle Initial",
"lastname": "Collector 2 Last name"
"static": {},
"toOne": {},
"toMany": {}
"wbcols": {},
"static": {},
"toOne": {
"agent": {
"uploadTable": {
"wbcols": {
"title": "Collector 3 Title",
"firstname": "Collector 3 First Name",
"middleinitial": "Collector 3 Middle Initial",
"lastname": "Collector 3 Last Name"
"static": {},
"toOne": {},
"toMany": {}
"wbcols": {},
"static": {},
"toOne": {
"agent": {
"uploadTable": {
"wbcols": {
"title": "Collector 4 Title",
"firstname": "Collector 4 First Name",
"middleinitial": "Collector 4 Middle Initial",
"lastname": "Collector 4 Last Name"
"static": {},
"toOne": {},
"toMany": {}
"accession": {
"uploadTable": {
"wbcols": {
"accessionnumber": "Accession No."
"static": {},
"toOne": {},
"toMany": {}
"cataloger": {
"uploadTable": {
"wbcols": {
"lastname": "Cataloged by"
"static": {},
"toOne": {},
"toMany": {}
"toMany": {
"determinations": [
"wbcols": {
"determineddate": "ID Date",
"typestatusname": "ID Status"
"static": {},
"toOne": {
"taxon": {
"treeRecord": {
"ranks": {
"Class": {
"treeNodeCols": {
"name": "Class"
"Family": {
"treeNodeCols": {
"name": "Family"
"Genus": {
"treeNodeCols": {
"name": "Genus"
"Species": {
"treeNodeCols": {
"name": "Species",
"author": "Species Author"
"Subspecies": {
"treeNodeCols": {
"name": "Subspecies",
"author": "Subspecies Author"
"determiner": {
"uploadTable": {
"wbcols": {
"firstname": "Who ID First Name",
"title": "Determiner 1 Title",
"middleinitial": "Determiner 1 Middle Initial",
"lastname": "Determiner 1 Last Name"
"static": {},
"toOne": {},
"toMany": {}
"wbcols": {},
"static": {},
"toOne": {
"determiner": {
"uploadTable": {
"wbcols": {
"firstname": "Determiner 1 First Name"
"static": {},
"toOne": {},
"toMany": {}
"preparations": [
"wbcols": {},
"static": {},
"toOne": {
"preptype": {
"mustMatchTable": {
"wbcols": {
"name": "Prep Type 1"
"static": {},
"toOne": {},
"toMany": {}