I am trying to upload via the workbench a spreadsheet with collection object data. The problem is that in the preparation type picklist there are multiple options for the same thing, so it doesn’t know which one to choose. For example, two options for 70% Ethanol. Each of these have collection objects attached to them (over 7,000 each) so I can’t delete the extra one. Is there a way to merge them or to fix this?
You need to remove the duplicate preptype record in your database to prevent this issue! After taking a look at your database, I can see this issue in the “Invertebrates” collection. Would you like me to clean this up for you?
Essentially, you need to build a search on the “PrepType” table by going to https://your_specify_instance.specifycloud.org/specify/query/new/preptype/ and from there you can identify duplicate preparation type records.
From there, you can remove duplicates as long as you can verify that the names are identical (this can be done by building a “distinct” query).