Greetings: We have requested that a Gifted checkbox be added near the On Loan checkbox on Preparations screens. As with a Loan, we ask that when a new Gift record is saved, the Gifted checkbox is automatically checked. See request # 5082 for details. The objective is to help flag items as no longer physically located in our collection and clearly identify those items that will NOT be returned. To make it clear that items gifted (often vials of tissue or tissue subsamples) are no longer stored in our collection, we change the “Storage Location” field to “Gifted” manually. We have asked if it would be possible to automate changing the storage location field to “Gifted”. Details of the proposed enhancement(s) are documented in requests #5082 & #5087.
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Thank you for sharing your request. Here are the two feature requests on GitHub:
Automated checkbox field for gifted preparations #5082
Allow for default value for to-one
relationships in form definition #5087