Change tree node count behavior

You can customize the rank at which the counts for tree items will be calculated and displayed from within Specify. To modify this behavior, you can either add or edit the following lines in your Remote Preferences app resource within the App Resources viewer:

This is especially useful when you are using the “Show only nodes with associated objects” functionality as this depends on your tree count configuration.

Show only nodes with associated objects

The following lines should be present already, but if they are missing, you can add them by copying & pasting the lines below into your Remote Preferences app resource:


The value after the equal sign (100, 200, 0) corresponds to the Rank ID at which the counts will be displayed under. For instance, if you have the Rank ID of 100 set for the Taxon tree, by default all nodes under “Order” will have counts while higher nodes will not be counted.

If you would like the counts to display for all tree nodes, you can simply set each to 0:


If you want to hide the counts completely, you can set it to a high number like 99999, exceeding the maximum Rank ID value.

Default Taxon RankIDs

If you have created custom ranks or customized your tree from the defaults, you should create a query on the taxontreedefitem table to find the rank name and Rank ID (e.g.

By default, Specify assigns the following RankID values to the default ranks in biological collections when configuring your database. If you have modified your tree or added new ranks, please follow the above instructions on creating a query to find your exact IDs.

Rank RankID
Phylum 30
Subphylum 40
Superclass 50
Class 60
Subclass 70
Infraclass 80
Superorder 90
Order 100
Suborder 110
Infraorder 120
Superfamily 130
Family 140
Subfamily 150
Tribe 160
Subtribe 170
Genus 180
Subgenus 190
Species 220
Subspecies 230
Variety 240
Subvariety 250
Forma 260
Subforma 270

Before the Change:
Counts only began below the rank of “Order” (100):


After the Change:
Counts now show for the entire tree (0):


After logging out and back into Specify, you can navigate to the tree viewer and see the counts are now reflected!