Edit a Field Name/Caption or Description

  1. In Specify, click the System tab in the menu at the top and select Schema Configuration… from the drop down menu.

The Schema & Localization Tools window will appear.

  1. Select your language in the available locales, then click Edit a Schema.

  1. In the Tables box, click to select the table containing the field caption to be edited. The fields available for the table will appear in a box in the lower portion of the window.

Note: The field names in the fields list are the database names, NOT the caption names. The captions you see on your forms are in the Caption box. The names in the Fields list may not match the field name you see on your form.

  1. Select the field you wish to edit from the list provided.

  1. In the caption field in the fields section of the window, enter the new caption.
  2. To change the description of the field, simply enter the new text in the Description box. The description can be viewed on the forms by double clicking the field name. These can offer helpful hints to new users.
  3. When you are finished, click OK to save the changes.