How to Delete a Label or Report

Specify 7


  1. Open the :reports_: Reports dialog in the navigation menu
  2. Click on the :pencil_: (Pencil) icon in the row of the report or label you wish to delete
  3. Click on the :pencil_: (Pencil) icon next to the name of the report/label you want to delete in the app resources editor
  4. Click Delete
  5. Confirm the deletion

Let me know if you have any questions!

Specify 6

Hi, how do I do this in Specify 7? Thank you!

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Hi @Taran,

Here’s a short video on how to delete a report or label in Specify 7!


  1. Open the :reports_: Reports dialog in the navigation menu
  2. Click on the :pencil_: (Pencil) icon in the row of the report or label you wish to delete
  3. Click on the :pencil_: (Pencil) icon next to the name of the report/label you want to delete in the app resources editor
  4. Click Delete
  5. Confirm the deletion

Let me know if you have any questions!

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Thank you! That’s perfect!