Modify Login Page & Reset Password

Would it be possible to modify the login page to include hyperlinks (e.g. privacy statement)?
How can the user request a reset (forgot) password from the login window?

I am so sorry, I didn’t notice this was posted in New Feature Requests and thought it was a question in the Get Help category!

@markp i wasnt sure if such feature is already available in Specify. Should i move this post to Help?

Hi @kitchenprinzessin, password resets by users who do not know their current password are not currently supported, so new feature requests was the correct place to post it.

The modification of the login page to include a hyperlink is less so a feature request (imo) and would be more a deviation from the main source code. If your organization is hosting your own instance you could evaluate if customizing that one component makes sense. Since it’s a very simple frontend change it shouldn’t run the risk of breaking anything.

A feature request could be made for having a small textarea that is specific to the institution on the login page, for things like a privacy policies and terms of use statement etc. This could be defined in the similar to how the SSO providers are configured, and just not shown if not defined.

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@markp Thanks for the details. What is the variable to update the front login page?

Hi @kitchenprinzessin such functionality does not currently exist, I was just suggesting that that be a possible place for it if it was developed.

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