Hi there,
Loan preparation forms at CAY herbarium (context)
I’m working on designing handy loan forms for CAY staff. On the loan form :
- They need to see at a glance all the loan preparations with loan date, loan preparation returned date, collectors, collector number and preparation bar code.
- They also need and expanded view for each loan preparation with additional information : shipment number, taxon, receiver.
These specifications were perfectly addressed with the help Edit the Form Grid to Display Different Fields Than the Subform. I created two views
- LoanItems Grid View
- LoanItems Form View
It worked like a charm!
Sorting loan preparations
Multiple sort fields
For some loans
we may have dozens or even hundreds of loan preparations
, so my colleagues asked for sorting default grid view by Collectors
, and Collector number
Since Specify 7.7 I read that subviews accept one sort field argument sortField=${fieldName}
So at CAY we +1 #1266 for multiple sort fields.
Sort by related fields
Our LoanItems subview only contains one field from the Loan Preparation
table and every other displayed fields are related fields:
Subview definition then looks like:
<cell type="subview" viewname="LoanItems_Aublet3_Form" id="10" name="loanPreparations" defaulttype="table" initialize="sortField=preparation.collectionObject.collectingevent.collectors" colspan="17" rows="4"/>
Sorting is not working, no matter which related fields I’m using.
does sorting subviews work with related fields / aggregated related fields ?
Wish list
This is how I’d like to initialize the subview:
<cell type="subview" viewname="LoanItems_Aublet3_Form" id="10" name="loanPreparations" defaulttype="table" initialize="sortField=preparation.collectionObject.collectingevent.collectors,preparation.collectionObject.collectingevent.stationFieldNumber" colspan="17" rows="4"/>
Thanks !