Hi @sorosoro,
There is a known bug with the Collection Relationship Type form in Sp7 where it has reverted to the default form of Sp6, making it rather dysfunctional.
There is a GitHub issue that I have updated and passed along to the development team to be addressed with higher priority.
In the meantime, I have just two ways for you to work around this.
You can create the new collection relationship type through Specify 6. For this I recommend following the documentation we have here on the Forum.
If you have access, a new collection relationship type can be created with through SQL at the database level.
For the second option, I was given these instructions to help guide you through that process:
INSRT INTO collectionreltype (timestampcreated, version, name, leftsidecollectionid, rightsidecollectionid) VALUES (now(), 0, "NAME", SOURCE_COLLECTION_ID, DESTINATION_COLLECTION_ID);
Replacing the following:
NAME with the name of the collectionreltype
keep the quotes surrounding the value
SOURCE_COLLECTION_ID with the id of the source/leftside collection
DESTINATION_COLLECTION_ID with the id of the destination/rightside collection
Please let me know of any further support I can provide at this time.
Thank you for reaching out!
– Bronwyn ツ