Webinar Announcement: Hands-On Form Editing in Specify 7

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We’ve gone over the basics and the more advanced topics, now it’s time to get hands on to make your institutions’ data entry forms match your data entry workflows. We would like to invite you to one of our two live webinars on July 25, 2024 on the topic of hands on form customization in Specify 7.

This hands-on webinar will demonstrate actually making some of the changes that were discussed in the previous webinars. This will also be a highly interactive webinar. We encourage everyone to come with questions and requests, or come up with them as other issues are demonstrated. We hope you can make it!

If you have not seen the Introduction to Editing Forms in Specify 7 or Advanced Form Editing in Specify 7 webinars already, we highly recommend watching them before attending one of the Hands-On Editing Forms in Specify 7 webinars.

SCC Members Zoom Session 1 - July 25 @ 9 am US CDT / 4 pm CEST

Passcode 12345

SCC Members Zoom Session 2 – July 25 @ 6 pm US CDT / July 26 @ 9 am AEST

Passcode 12345

Unlike the previous webinars, these two webinars will not be identical as the content will largely depend on the requests and questions from the attendees. The sessions will both be recorded and made available within a few days.