Specify 7.9.4 Release Announcement


Release Announcement

This update requires Specify 6.8.03 (Schema 2.10).

7.9.4 (13 May 2024)


  • Added a visual editor for some app resources (#2796)

  • Added numerous improvements to distinct queries (#4596Requested by University of Kansas, University of Michigan, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation)

    • Added links to records in distinct queries where all columns returned are the same
    • Introduced the option to view groups of grouped records in distinct query results
    • Distinct queries can now be exported to CSV
  • Added the ability to display only nodes with associated records in the tree viewer (#4023 – Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation)

  • Added the ability to set default values for boolean/checkbox fields in the form definition (#4585Requested by University of Michigan, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

  • Added the ability to import and export WorkBench data set upload plans (#1363Requested by Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation and others)

  • Subforms can now be collapsed (#3642Requested by Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada)

  • Added a new form element to show a view button next to a query combo box (#4199Requested by South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity)

  • Fields in the Schema Config can now be sorted by their visibility status (#3516)

  • Added the ability to switch to ‘Basic View’ and ‘Hide Field Mapper’ in embedded query dialogs (#2863)

  • Added pagination when viewing large lists of resources (record sets, queries, etc.) to improve performance (#3195)

  • Added a preference to have records in read-only mode by default requiring the user to press an edit button before changes can be made (#3553)

  • Added the ability to hide the plus, edit, and search buttons in forms (#3669Requested by Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation)

  • Added bulk resolve and bulk return when returning loans (#4224Requested by Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation)

  • Kept the search panel open when modifying XML form (#4260)

  • A warning is now displayed if there are no available preparations associated with a catalog number when making an interaction (#4195)

  • Added table icons to the WorkBench data sets dialog based on base table in the upload plan (#4475)

  • Added frontend business rules for Address isPrimary so that it is set by default when adding a new address (#4443)


  • Differentiated list of tables for interactions and data entry (#4198)

  • Removed table name before app resource titles (#4132)

  • Numeric inputs no longer change on scroll (#4249)

  • Disabled gallery icon when there are no attachments on forms (#4220)

  • Search preview dialogs no longer display subviews (#4254)

  • Improved logic for selecting main tables fields when creating new records from query combo boxes (#4293)

    • Correctly detected main table fields in formatters (#4516)
  • Sidebar color preference has been moved and renamed (#4355)

  • Displayed disable icon add button instead of link when lowest tree rank (#4351)

  • “Use Localized Field Labels” checkbox is now a button (#4344)

  • Renamed record merging policy to /record/merge (#4329)

  • Switched to muted colors for taxon tiles (#4476Requested by Virginia Institute of Marine Science)

  • Miscellaneous Reports dialog improvements (#4396)

  • Backend query exports now have user-friendly names (#3590)


  • Fixed an issue where the WorkBench did not always check for custom uniqueness rules (#4593Reported by Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation)

  • Fixed bug causing incorrect disambiguation behavior in the WorkBench (#4777)

  • Made behavior consistent for Reports/Labels across forms and reports dialog, enhanced Report preferences. (#4299Reported by Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute and Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation)

  • Fixed an issue that prevented new reports or labels from being created when there was a formatted table in the query (#4427Reported by The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, Gothenburg Museum of Natural History, and Oranim College of Education)

  • Make taxonomic rank properly recompute when the parent changes (#4462Reported by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada)

  • Added a prompt for a user to define a record set name when creating one (#4346)

  • Improved home page load performance (#4240)

  • Makes ‘Save’ button style consistent in Schema Config and Mapper (#3527)

  • Make preferences visually read-only for users without proper permissions (#3551)

  • Fixed an issue preventing preparations from being added on the Loan form when displayed it was displayed in “form view” (#3659)

  • Fixed an issue where a cell or row could be selected multiple times in the WorkBench (#3675)

  • Fixed an issue where the WorkBench could not import certain spreadsheets (#4223Reported by Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh)

  • Refactored date picker and added tests (#4276)

  • Fixed spelling mistake in new record set text (#4317)

  • The cache is cleared when form edits are made, allowing you to see the latest version (#4290)

  • Fixed issues when parsing remote preferences (#4251Reported by Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona)

  • Fix inconsistency with hidden tables in schema and new query lists (#4357Reported by Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation)

  • Made usertype get ignored when searching for Common directory app resources to ensure global app resources are applied appropriately (#4332)

  • Made minor accessibility improvements (#4449)

  • Scoped all front-end requests where needed to prevent resources from returning records from other collections (#3304)

  • Fixed WorkBench dialog heading so it displays “Timestamp Uploaded” instead of “Timestamp Modified” (#4472)

The full changelog is available on GitHub.

For source code go to the GitHub Specify 7 repository.

For more information about Specify 7, or about this release, see Specify 7 | Specify Collections Consortium, or email support@specifysoftware.org.


Good morning! Thanks for an awesome release.

Just confirming two notes in the forms wiki, I think Add the ability to hide plus button in forms by CarolineDenis · Pull Request #3669 · specify/specify7 · GitHub called for the form wiki updates but they were missed.

Conditional Rendering

I don’t believe there were any commits that addressed this, but perhaps I just haven’t seen them.

This will be available in the 7.9.4 update. It is not yet released.


It looks like Add the ability to hide plus button in forms by CarolineDenis · Pull Request #3669 · specify/specify7 · GitHub also enabled the below (and not just the removal of the plus button), so perhaps that should be clarified in the changelog text? Something like, “added the ability to hide the plus button, edit button, and search button in forms”.

This will be available in the 7.9.4 update. It is not yet released.

  • newBtn (‘true’ | ‘false’, optional, default: ‘true’)

    Whether Query Combo Box allows to add a new resource or not.

  • editBtn (‘true’ | ‘false’, optional, default: ‘true’)

    Whether Query Combo Box allows to edit the present resource.

  • searchBtn (‘true’ | ‘false’, optional, default: ‘true’)

    Whether Query Combo Box allows to have a query action button to open the query builder.

Hi @markp,

  1. The form wiki has now been replaced by Editing Forms in Specify 7
  2. “Conditional Rendering” was actually one of the earliest features added to the v7.9.4 release in development. We have some brief instructions available here, though we are planning a webinar in the future to explore this more in-depth.
  3. I’ve updated the release notes above to reflect this!

Thank you for your comment!


Belatedly noticing the fix for adding preparations to loans, thanks folks!