Specify 7 View Set Obj form

Dear Specify Support,

i have added a new row to Collection Object form, which is a checkbox.

Now i wanted to make the checkbox to be checked by default (default=“true”), but it didn’t work. Perhaps i am missing something in the expression?

cell type=“field” id=“yn2” name=“yesNo2” uitype=“checkbox” default=“true” initialize=“editable=false”/

have you managed to solve it? i am looking for a solution too

Unfortunatelly no, and the question wasn’t anwered by a Specify IT specialists.

i updated the specify version 7.9.5 - it works now…

Hi @Nina,

Are you running the latest version of Specify? As @kitchenprinzessin mentioned, we have improved form editing dramatically since this issue was created.

You may also need to remove the initialize="editable=false" from your XML on that line since that may prevent users from editing the field.

Thank you for this!

we have recently updated our installation to 7.9.3,

I hope next update will solve this (we will do it in a month)!