Specify 7.10
Specify 7.10 is a major update to the Specify 7 collections management platform.
Specify 6 Compatibility
Starting with the Specify 7.10 update, catalog number uniqueness will not be enforced in Specify 6. If you need to reinstate this functionality, please contact us.
New fields, tables, and features introduced in this update will not be available in Specify 6, including the ‘Geology’ discipline.
If you need to add a new collection, discipline, or division to your database, please let our team know. We can assist you with this until this functionality is added to Specify 7 later this year!
Update Instructions
Specify Cloud users will receive this update upon request for now. It will be rolled out more widely later unless otherwise requested.
Before you pull the latest changes, please note that you must update the version of the docker-compositions
repository you are using if you deploy via Docker.
If you do not already have access, click here to request access to this repository or email support@specifysoftware.org with your GitHub username, member institution or collection, and any additional questions or notes for us!
If you have not already logged into your GitHub account with the appropriate permission to access the docker-compositions GitHub repository, you will need to do so first, otherwise you will receive a permission error:
Could not resolve to a Repository with the name 'specify/docker-compositions'. (repository)
If you are not logged in or do not have the appropriate permissions on GitHub, you will see a 404 when you go to this link. If your account is logged in and has read permission, you should see the appropriate repository.
From our development team:
The production branch of docker-compositions as been updated for Specify 7.10! See GitHub commit here.
The main update for
in Specify v7.10 is that the Specify 6 container is no longer necessary. The static files that Specify 7 relied on from Specify 6 have been relocated to the config directory in Specify 7. Setting up the new location for static files in Specify 7.10 required changes to the nginx configuration and the docker-compose file. The usage of specifycloud can manage Specify instances of both older versions and v7.10, dynamically configuring the static files for both scenarios.The following changes have been made, so the user will not need to edit themselves:
- for the sp7 production docker containers, remove the sp6 volume mount
- "specify6803:/opt/Specify:ro"
- add
- SPECIFY_CONFIG_DIR=/opt/specify7/config
to environment- remove the Specify 6 container
- replace
- this
rewrite ^/static/config/(.*)$ /specify6803/config/$1 break;
- with this
rewrite ^/static/config/(.*)$ /static-files-sp7demofish/specify-config/config/$1 break;
When using the ‘just-specify-7’, ‘all-in-one’, or ‘multiple-databases’, pull the latest changes from the production branch of docker-compositions.
It’s best to not pull these changes until you start using Specify 7.10.
Edit the nginx config and docker-compose environment variables normally for your specific deployment.
Users who are managing a local installation (not using Docker) can pull the latest changes and deploy right away.
Once this is up to date, you or an IT administrator will need to pull the Docker tag “production” for the specify7-service
docker pull specifyconsortium/specify7-service:production
After this, you can start the container(s) for Specify 7!
docker compose up -d
Major Features:
All features not marked with an asterisk below will be accessible for all disciplines, not just geology and paleontology.
- Introduction of ‘Geology’*: We have introduced a new Geology discipline. It can now be added to databases upon request by our team.
- New Tree:* Tectonic Unit
- Collection Object Groups (COGs): Capture two or more Collection Objects (COs) that share common information based on physical integrity. This serves as a fully featured replacement for containers.
- Independent Subviews: Add COs to an Accession from the Accession form, include COs in Collecting Events, and much more.
- Collection Object Types (COTs): A significant change allows for more effective management of different types of Collection Objects within a single collection.
- Tree Creation Utility: New taxon trees can be created for use with COTs.
- Catalog Number Uniqueness: Catalog number uniqueness is now configurable.
- Extended Age Queries*: Improved queries for records with chronostratigraphic, relative, and absolute age data.
- Bulk Carry Forward: Users can now carry forward hundreds of records at a time.
- Merging Record Sets: Record sets can be easily merged.
- Extended Batch Attachment Uploader: Added support for Agent, Preparation, Storage, Reference Work, Locality, and many other tables.
- Updated Defaults: New defaults have been added, eliminating the need for files from Specify 6.
Release Announcement
7.10.1 (10 March 2025)
- A Catalog Number format can now be linked to a specific Collection Object Type (COT)! (#6277)
- Added a
field to the Storage table (#6249)
- Fixed an issue where Specify would not auto-select a field format in Schema Config (#6255)
7.10.0 (5 March 2025)
This release of Specify 7 now falls under the GPL-3.0 license.
- Geology has been added as a new discipline to Specify! (#5032)
- Subviews now have borders to make it easier to distinguish where a subview starts and ends (#6031)
- Added bulk carry forward (#4804, #5120)– Requested by University of Minnesota Entomology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, KU Entomology, and many others)
- Added support for Geography Code at any level in queries (#5094 – Requested by Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, KU Ichthyology, and many others)
- Added preference to add UTF-8 BOM to CSV exports (For Excel) (#5204 – Requested by Natural History Museum of Denmark and many others)
- Added support for Independent Subviews on data entry forms (#5253 – Requested by The University of Kansas, The University of Michigan, and many others)
- For example, this enables adding:
- Collection Objects to an Accession from the Accession form
- Collection Objects to a Collecting Event from the Collecting Event form
- Treatment Events to an Accession from the Accession form
- and much more
- Independent relationships (e.g. Collecting Event to Locality) can now be displayed as a subview rather than a query combo box
- For example, this enables adding:
- Added Collection Object Types (COTs)
- Extended Paleo Context to Geologic Context, Relative Age, and Absolute Age
- Added a new Tectonic Unit Tree (#5178, #5316, #5345 – Requested for Geology)
- Added Collection Object Groups (COGs) (#5032)
- Record Sets can now be merged together (#5405 – Requested by The University of Kansas, Museum of Natural History of Geneva, The University of Texas, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Natural History Museum Basel, and many others)
- Record Sets can now be selected when adding new items to a record (e.g. Collection Objects to an Accession or COG) (#5263, #5498)
- Added a tool to remove unmapped lines in WorkBench data sets (#5265 – _Requested by Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh)
- Batch Attachment Uploader now supports more tables (#5332)
- Storage (Full Name)
- Preparation (Barcode, GUID)
- Treatment Event (FieldNumber)
- Exchange In (ExchangeInNumber)
- Exchange Out (ExchangeOutNumber)
- Reference Work (Title, GUID)
- Locality (UniqueIdentifier, GUID)
- Permit (PermitNumber)
- Agent (GUID)
- Collecting Trip (CollectingTripName)
- Deaccession (DeaccessionNumber)
- Catalog numbers are no longer required by Specify to be unique, although they are set to be unique by default (#5400)
- Tree nodes can now be deleted along with all their unused children, making tree cleaning much easier (#5324)
- Tree searches now return more than 20 results (#5125)
- The Audit Log is now accessible via the query menu (#5133)
- A new white space sensitivity attribute has been added for form fields (#5086)
- The Specify interface schema has been updated to include new Geology fields and pick lists (#5257)
- Added new default app resources and form definitions (#5367)
- Added the ability to transfer the ownership of Record Sets and Queries.
- When using the default form definitions and app resources:
- Collection Relationships can now be created
- Agents will default to “Person” instead of “Organization”
- Agent “Members” will only appear when the Agent is a “Group”
- Agent Identifiers for ORCID, WikiData, and other IDs is now included by default
- Taxon “Hybrid” fields only display if the Taxon is marked as a hybrid
- Tree Definition tables now allow the user to customize and see all ranks in a single subview
- Tree full name direction can now be customized
- Preparation count can no longer be set to a negative number–antimatter will no longer be cataloged.
- Fixed an issue that caused table/grid view results to not show more than 20 items at a time (#5298 – Reported by CSIRO and OSU)
- Fixed an issue preventing non-loanable Preparations from being used in other interactions
(#5271) - Cloning an interaction no longer clones the interaction preparations (#4905)
- Fixed an issue that removed any table aggregation separator if it matches the default (
"; "
) (#5240) - A tool has been added to create a root node in trees if one is not already present (#5394)
- Saving an
with an invalid user is no longer possible (#5042) - Fixed cases where “Deselect All” did not disable the “Select” button (#5270)
- Fixed an issue with the Specify 7 version being missing (#5397)
- Workbench column headers now use the new table icons (#5176)
The full changelog is available on GitHub
For source code go to the GitHub Specify 7 repository
For more information about Specify 7, or about this release, see Specify 7 | Specify Collections Consortium, or email support@specifysoftware.org.
New Documentation
These articles are still a work-in-progress, but feel free to leave a comment with any clarifying questions in the meantime so we can expand and cover areas of interest!