App Resources in Specify 7

First, you need to navigate to the User Tools menu. You access this menu by clicking on your username in the navigation menu.

From here, you need to click App Resources.

App resources are all resource files pertaining to queries, export mappings, DwCA metadata, labels, reports, and other miscellaneous database files.

Form Definitions contains all of the view definitions established in the database. The view heiarchy goes as follows:

User > User Type > Collection > Discipline

If a user has a view definition under their username in a collection, it is used first. If there is not one, it uses the user type view definition. If that does not exist, then it uses the collection view and so on…

You can filter the resource type by clicking on the Screenshot 2024-05-22 095917 button in the bottom left.

From here you can see the major categories - App Resources and View Definitions.

Under App Resources, you can see a large number of resource types along with their count.

Resource Types

Label (Documentation)

These are the labels used for reporting purposes. These are JRXML files.

Report (Documentation)

These are the reports used for reporting purposes. These are JRXML files.

User Preferences & Default User Preferences

This uses the user preferences visual editor and allows you to set the preferences of a user or default for users using the same interface as the traditional user preferences menu.

User Preferences resources are the customized user preferences for an individual user.

Default User Preferences can be placed at the root of a division, collection, or user type rank and will set the default for all users added to that group. This is how you establish default preferences in Specify 7. These can be overwritten by a user when they customize their preferences.

Leaflet Layers (Documentation)

RSS Export Feed (Documentation)

Express Search Config (Documentation)

This is where you can configure the simple search behavior manually in the XML for a user in Specify 7. This is carried over from the Specify 6 configuration.

Web Links (Documentation)

This stores all of the web link configurations in the database. They look similar to this:


Field formatters (Documentation)

The field formatters (UIFormatters) app resource essentially defines the field formats available in Specify that can be assigned in the Schema Config.

You have a <format> that includes attributes describing the name, if it is a “system” (default) format or not, Java class, field name it is assigned to (not required), and whether or not it is used by default for that field (this is ignored in favor of the Schema Config setting).

There is a list of fields contained within the format (see each <field>) that can be set to one of several types (year, separator, numeric, alphanumeric) that dictate its behavior. The size is the length for that given field, inc (for numeric fields) indicates whether or not it should be incrementing automatically, and the value contains the default text for that field in the format. If you have a year field, the byyear attribute controls whether or not it is set to the current year by default.

  <format system="true" name="AccessionNumber" class="edu.ku.brc.specify.datamodel.Accession" fieldname="accessionNumber" default="true">
    <field type="year" size="4" value="YEAR" byyear="true"/>
    <field type="separator" size="1" value="-"/>
    <field type="alphanumeric" size="2" value="AA"/>
    <field type="separator" size="1" value="-"/>
    <field type="numeric" size="3" inc="true"/>

If you use Specify 6 to customize the format for a given field, it will automatically create a copy of the default UIFormatters app resource and add it to your app resources.

Record Formatters (Documentation)

This is the resource type for DataObjFormatters, used for establishing custom formatters in the database in XML for use in all areas of Specify.

        <switch single="true">
                <field sep=" ">address2</field>
                <field sep=", ">city</field>
                <field sep=", ">state</field>
                <field sep=" ">postalCode</field>

Search Dialog Definitions (Documentation)

Data Entry Tables (Documentation)

This is the resource type for DataEntryTaskInit, used to define which data entry tables are visible in the data entry dialog window.

    <view title="Collection Object" view="CollectionObject" iconname="CollectionObject" tooltip="Open Collection Object Form" order="0" sidebar="true"/>
    <view title="Collecting Event" view="CollectingEvent" iconname="CollectingEvent" tooltip="Open Collecting Event Form" order="1" sidebar="true"/>
    <view title="Locality" view="Locality" iconname="Locality" tooltip="Open Locality Form" order="2" sidebar="true"/>
    <view title="Taxon" view="Taxon" iconname="Taxon" tooltip="Open Taxon Form" order="3" sidebar="true"/>
    <view title="Agent" view="Agent" iconname="Agent" tooltip="Open Agent Form" order="4" sidebar="true"/>
    <view title="Geography" view="Geography" iconname="Geography" tooltip="Open Geography Form" order="5" sidebar="true"/>
    <view title="DNA Sequence" view="DNASequence" iconname="dnasequence" tooltip="DNA Sequence" order="6" sidebar="true"/>
    <view title="Reference Work" view="ReferenceWork" iconname="referencework" tooltip="Reference Work" order="7" sidebar="true"/>
    <view title="Storage" view="Storage" iconname="Storage" tooltip="Open Storage Form" order="0" sidebar="true"/>

Interactions Tables (Documentation)

This is the resource type for InteractionsTaskInit, used to define which interactions tables are visible in the interactions dialog window.

Other XML Resource

This is for miscellaneous XML resources in the app resource viewer.

Other JSON Resource

This is for miscellaneous JSON resources in the app resource viewer.

Other Properties Resource

This is the resource type for the global and remote user pref resources.

Here is a sample Global Prefs file:

#Global Prefs
#Tue Nov 01 15:46:51 CDT 2022
DNACheck\:32768=co-yes ms-no
DNACheck\:4=co-yes ms-no

This is also for miscellaneous property resources in the app resource viewer.

Other app resource

This is the proper resource type for DwCA and DwCA_metadata files for RSS feed setup.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <core rowType="">
      <query name="occurrence.csv" contextTableId="1">
	<id term="" isNot="false" isRelFld="false" oper="11" stringId="1.collectionobject.guid" value=""/>
        <field term="" isNot="false" isRelFld="false" oper="11" stringId="1,23,26,96,94.institution.code" value=""/>
        <field term="" isNot="false" isRelFld="false" oper="11" stringId="1,23,26,96,94.institution.altName" value=""/>
        <field term="" isNot="false" isRelFld="false" oper="11" stringId="1,23,26,96,94.institution.copyright" value=""/>

This is for all other remaining resources in the app resource viewer.

App Resource Navigation

Once you are viewing a resource, you can Download, Load File, Delete, Clone or Save.

Download allows you to download a copy of that resource file. This can be useful when troubleshooting issues or editing the file externally.

Load File allows you to select a file on your system to replace the existing file or resource you are viewing.

Delete removes the resource.

Clone creates a duplicate of the resource in the database at the same level.

Save commits all changes to the database.

There is also a full screen button Full screen button in the top right of the form. This expands the viewer to occupy the entire window and removes distractions.

You can edit the name of the resource by clicking on the :pencil2: icon to the right of the name.

Creating a New Resource

Add Resource button

To create a new resource, you can click on the + Add Resource button below any list of items at any rank in the resource hiearchy.

From here, you need to select either App Resource or Form Definitions.

For app resources, you will see a list of resource types with corresponding links to documentation.

You can see the entire list of types and examples here.

Now you can create resources and save them. Clear your cache and your changes will be reflected in Specify itself!